The Big Bad Wolf
Aardman Academy Short Film by Leo Wright
The Big Bad Wolf (Directed by Leo Wright) at the world famous Aardman Animation Studios - the home of Wallace and Gromit and Shaun the Sheep.
Leo was one of the ten upcoming animators selected to create a five minute animated short film with the help of industry icons such as David Sproxton, Peter Lord, Suzie Templeton, Sam Morrison and many more.
After discovering the power of the humble brick, pigs forged ahead into the industrial revolution building houses, factories and shops to wolf-proof their lives. This is the story about a little piggie named Richmond who befriends a not-so-big bad wolf named Billy, much to the outrage of his father. Set in the Black Country, this film is about friendship, inclusivity and not judging a wolf by its cover.
This film is currently travelling the film festival circuit and will be posted across my social media channels once the circuit is complete. Please follow my socials for more details.
If you are seeking my services or want to discuss further opportunities regarding 'The Big Bad Wolf' please email me and a private link can be provided.